Toekomstvormers (Shaping the Future) stands for creating a sustainable world where all and everybody are ok. A world in which nature has a place for everything (including humankind). That is our nature.
We can create this world by combining the power of realization inherent to organizations and human ingenuity, surfing on the worldwide wave of awakening consciousness.
Toekomstvormers is a movement of professionals who make the world a better place, drawing on the awakening consciousness. We assist people and organizations towards future-proof creation by means of awakening and innovation.
We believe….
… that people naturally strive for a better and sustainable future
… that we are equipped with sensitivity, intuition and intelligence and that we excel when we connect these properties
… that organizations as poolings of human ingenuity play a crucial role by their impact (with sparks, not marks)
… that we don´t know (either) but that we can discover and develop
… that nature gives answers and that we know the answers deep down inside
… that organizing differently and development of leadership unlock natural potential
… that we are stewards of this Earth
… that we are shifting from welfare to well-being
… that personal awakening contributes towards future-proof creation
… that the authority and power lay in the local community
… that individual personal leadership contributes to a world in which all are ok
… that we are saving ourselves and not Mother Earth
… that pruning leads to growth and that profound change cleanses
… that innovation and awakening lead to our well-being as well as the well-being of Mother Earth
… that we as thinking beings who take part in the larger whole must take our responsibility
We realize this future proof creation by
Our key values are:
Personal responsibility, interconnectedness, openness, freedom and love of nature
We believe in action!
Will you join us?
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